How TutorRoll Works

Find your tutor in 4 simple steps

Here’s how to get started:

Step 4: Leave a Review

After your session, leave a review to help others and it’ll help boost your tutor's credibility.

Step 3: Schedule a Session

Once you've found the right tutor, schedule a session at a time that works for both of you. If the tutor suits your needs, you can continue a long-term arrangement with the tutor.

Step 2: Chat Directly with Tutors

Use our filters to find tutors who match your criteria, whether it's expertise, part-time or full-time tutors or location.

Step 1: Search our catalogue of tutors

Use our filters to find tutors who match your criteria, whether it's expertise, part-time or full-time tutors or location.

Discover our Top Tutors

Why Use TutorRoll to find your Tutor

Freedom to choose your own tutor
Select from our large database of tutor. Use our filters to find one who matches your needs.
Read peer reviews of tutors
Make informed decisions and select a tutor with a proven track record of helping others succeed.
Speak to tutors directly without a middle man
Direct line of communication ensure you are able to properly vet tutors before the first lesson.

Find a tutor that suits your needs for free

Select from over 100+ home tutors in Singapore. No agents.

See what our members are saying
I was struggling with Chemistry, I knew I needed extra help but didn't know where to turn. That's when I stumbled upon TutorRoll and found Ms Chan. I was initially nervous about working with a tutor but the portal provided a safe and reliable way to connect with experienced tutors who truly cared about helping me succeed.

Clara Lee

Hwa Chong Institution, 2023

Thanks to TutorRoll, I was able to find a tutor that not only fit my specific needs but also fit my budget. I would highly recommend this platform to any student who is struggling and needs extra help. It truly is a game-changer!

Johnathan Low

J2 Student (2023)

The platform was incredibly easy to use and allowed me to input my specific needs and preferences for a tutor. Within a matter of hours, I got multiple responses from qualified tutors who were eager to help me. The best part was that I was able to review their profiles and choose the tutor who I felt would be the best fit for my child.

Lindy Tan

Mother of Pri 6 Child

Frequently Asked Questions

How are tutors on TutorRoll selected?

We take the quality of our tutors seriously. Tutors on TutorRoll undergo a rigorous screening process to ensure they meet our standards. We verify their educational qualifications, teaching experience, and conduct background checks. Additionally, we encourage students to provide feedback and ratings after each tutoring session, which helps us maintain a high standard of tutoring excellence.

How much does TutorRoll cost?

Signing up and creating a profile on TutorRoll is completely free for both students and tutors. However, once a tutoring session is scheduled and completed, tutors may charge a fee for their services. The rates vary based on factors like subject, expertise level, and session duration. For market rates, you can refer here for market rates.