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Step 1: Choose your teacher
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Step 2: Connect and chat
Initiate a conversation with your selected teacher on WhatsApp. Ask questions, share learning goals, and get to know your teacher on a personal level.
Step 3: Start your journey
Arrange a convenient timing with your teacher and start learning. Whether it's a 1-1 session or a group class, enjoy the flexibility to learn at your own pace and convenience.
See what our members are saying

Clara Lee
Hwa Chong Institution, 2023

Johnathan Low
J2 Student (2023)

Lindy Tan
Mother of Pri 6 Child
Average Singapore Tuition Rate
These are the estimated market rates tutors will quote you for their services based on their level of experience.
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Freedom to choose your own tutor
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Frequently Asked Questions
We take the quality of our tutors seriously. Tutors on TutorRoll undergo a rigorous screening process to ensure they meet our standards. We verify their educational qualifications, teaching experience, and conduct background checks. Additionally, we encourage students to provide feedback and ratings after each tutoring session, which helps us maintain a high standard of tutoring excellence.
Signing up and creating a profile on TutorRoll is completely free for both students and tutors. However, once a tutoring session is scheduled and completed, tutors may charge a fee for their services. The rates vary based on factors like subject, expertise level, and session duration. For market rates, you can refer here for market rates.

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